Sunday, April 5, 2015

Food For My Bunnies/Rabbits

Rabbits needs a well balanced food. They love to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and rabbit pellets (mostly can be found in pet store). The main part of rabbit's diets should include Hay (timothy ot alfalfa) and freshest grass. And plenty of clean water (my rabbits love to drink cold water).  Owners should be careful what to give on they rabbit, it varies on how old is your rabbits.

For newborn up to 2 months old rabbit they need a milk from their mother. On my personal experience rabbit that to do not receive milk from their mother mostly suffer from death. Nutrients that mother rabbit gave to there babies is important to make them strong and alive.

For rabbit 2 months until 6 months need a well balanced diet that composed of vegetable, rabbit pellet, hay and fresh grass. You can see if your bunny is healthy on their poop, the frequency, consistency and color. Healthy rabbit should be be pooping every now and then, round, dry and color black indicates your rabbit is healthy, if you see changes in their poop be sure to consult vet immediately.

Adult rabbit for 6 months and up needs more nutrient as they need their body is preparing to be spayed and neuter. Also do not forget to give them plenty of water. 

For rabbit treats I will be posting on my next blog. 

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